Hire a 13-Year PM Vendor/Supplier Superstar?

Would you know a multihousing  property management vendor/supplier sales company that would be interested in the candidate described below? Could you please forward/share this note…to those who you know in the property management vendor/supplier industry who may/might be interested in the candidate below?

This candidate is a top performing national sales/sales management executive with over 13 years in the multifamily industry. This superstar has repeatedly proven the skills needed as a lead revenue generator working with companies throughout the United States with regional focus in the Midwest. During this candidate’s time in this industry, this industry leader has accumulated multiple awards for record-breaking performance by utilizing superior skills to build new territories while expanding opportunities within an existing client base. In addition, this candidate possesses outstanding relationship building, training and presentation skills. Because this sector leader was so successful at growing and grooming sales people, it led to a promotion to a new position to head/lead the training effort for the entire company. This candidate makes it a point to remain on the cutting-edge by delivering new business through key accounts and establishing strategic partnerships to drive increased sales and higher success throughout his team.


Interested in other multihousing  property management positions around the country?


And all of our candidates complete our proprietary pre-hire testing—that compares each candidate to a sales benchmark of the very best in the multihousing  property management industry.


If you are interested in the candidate above or would like to hire other multihousing  property management leaders with 10+ years of industry experience—please send a quick E-mail to recruiter@powerhour.com

Thanks for your help~

Craig Simmons
VP of PowerHour


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Posted by Craig Simmons

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