Hiring, SVP of Multifamily Development

Would you know a candidate in the Mid Atlantic area that would be interested in the position described below? Could you please forward/share this note…to those who you know in the multi family property management industry–and who may/might be a perfect fit?

Mid-Atlantic multifamily developer is looking for a SVP to oversee the development of High Rise Mixed Use Multifamily projects in the Northeast and Mid Atlantic. Responsibilities include land acquisition and entitlement in the Mid-Atlantic region (New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia) for multifamily apartments and urban mixed use. Access municipal planning officials, landowners and broker network. Product design and leading the coordination of new multifamily product and community design with third party architectural and engineering firms in conjunction with corporate development and construction groups. Critically analyze development/construction pro forma, initial project budget development, Review/analyze monthly, quarterly, annual project financial operating statements to monitor adherence to goals. Coordinate the finance in securing acquisition, development, and construction financing for each project

Coordinate all development and construction efforts from initiation of site development through C/O and release of all public works/municipal surety. Coordinate marketing, site signage and displays, exterior and interior building/unit fixture and finish selections with third party interior design and sign/display firms. Establish marketing/leasing goals with property management group to ensure adherence to approved project pro forma and establish rents and marketing initiatives and monitor performance and stabilization of high rise mixed use multifamily property apartment rental.

College degree required, prefer MBA or graduate degree with real estate concentration. Must have recent experience in the development of high-rise mixed-use luxury rental apartment communities which include above-ground and below-ground concrete parking structures integrated into the residential building. Must possess strong analytical skills and be proficient using technology as a business tool. Prefer recent experience in the development of urban/suburban mixed-used communities. Compensation, BOE: range $200 – $700K including incentive compensation and equity/profit-sharing participation potential in each project + annual bonus.. Please send resume to recruiter@powerhour.com.


Interested in other property management positions around the country?


And all of our candidates complete our proprietary pre-hire testing—that compares each candidate to a sales benchmark of the very best in the multi family property management industry.


If you are interested in the candidate above or would like to hire other multi family property management leaders with 10+ years of industry experience—please send a quick E-mail to recruiter@powerhour.co

Thanks for your help~

Craig Simmons
VP of PowerHour


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Posted by Craig Simmons

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