Industry Knowledge, Purchasing/Buying Groups
What have you seen/learned from a recent bid or RFP on the products/services you are buying for your multihousing company/team? What kind of savings did you see/enjoy? Were you able to receive the most savings based on volume discounts and incentives?
When thinking about the industry vendors/suppliers who provide the products/services needed by your multihousing team…what matters most in your working/business relationship with these vendors/suppliers? What are you most focused on…when reviewing their pricing? Their service and responsiveness?
Related to purchasing/buying groups…what post, question and/or observation might you add to the discussion thread below—as a property management leader in the multihousing industry?
Industry Knowledge, Purchasing/Buying Groups
***Please click on the url below and make your post there***
To the members of our 9 LinkedIn groups…we are the Wikipedia for the property management sector—and we are only as strong as the depth of our 29,600+ property management industry leaders who are sharing their ideas, insight and wisdom on these Industry Knowledge discussion threads.
For the list of the Best 102 Property Management Industry Knowledge discussions, surf here:
***The fastest way to raise your success within our LinkedIn group is to make a post on one of the discussion threads on the url above—that will be seen by 10,800,000+ property management leaders/readers/members over the next 365 days~
Find a discussion that interests you and make a post, ask a question, jump in and make a contribution. Come join 4000+ PM leaders already posting to our Industry Knowledge discussion threads.
The more you give in your ideas, knowledge and smart-thinking…the more you will get/receive from other PM leaders in exchange.
To see the master list of all Industry Knowledge discussions within this LinkedIn group and all 9 of our property management LinkedIn groups for you to join, you will find them on the url below:
Based on group size…we’re #385 of 1,203,071 worldwide LinkedIn groups with 29,600+ members who are part of our 9 LinkedIn groups with an annual reach of 10,800,000+ industry leaders.
Surf the url below for our CEO Series of free multihousing property management educational webcasts related to industry products, services and emerging trends & technology,
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PowerHour, serving the property management industry since 1988,